PAULL PARISH COUNCIL: Minutes of the meeting 5 January 2021- clerk liaised with the Chair, and all councillors for their views and votes (by phone)

(7 January meeting cancelled as per government guidance)


1.    a:  Apologies for absence :

b: In attendance : by phone

Cllrs Shaw, Hulme, Annison, Leach, Carlill, Hodgson, Lowde, Allen, Woodmansey, Beadle


2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant) None


3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 23 July 2020

Proposed: Cllr Carlill; Seconded: Shaw ; Vote: agreed


4.       Matters Arising Therefrom



·         Following the parish councillors’ agreement that the Chair and the clerk have devolved powers, I spoke with ERNLLCA for advice regarding the 6-month rule for councillors attending meetings, and the current covid lockdown. I consulted with the Chair and we grant dispensation for the next 6 months for all councillors (which means that all councillors remain on the parish council, and the rule of 6- month non- attendance at meetings is not in play)

·         High Paull Lane- dangerous state- clerk in touch with TG at NPS

·         Precept 2021-2022- agreed 7 votes to 3 that the precept remains at £10,500

·         Defibrillator weekly check feedback to NHS–Cllr Lowde happy to feedback, as he checks it weekly

·         Motocross bikes-complaints by members of the public to the police re churning up of tracks

·         James Baron- Independent- letter circulated, clerk responded—JB is in touch with PADEL

·         New bus information- text sent to thank K & B for placing the timetables at the bus stops

·         J McGuinness, GS has responded to his request on thoughts of the sea defence glass









5.    Continuing Matters :











6.    Correspondence


a.  All correspondence emailed to councillors out on receipt











7.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water:

b.    B.P. /PX:

c.     Nippon Gohsei :


d.    Triton Power Ltd (prev S.C.C Ltd)

e.    Vivergo :


f. Ineos :


g. Environment Agency :













8.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation:
b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens:

c. Police / Neighbourhood Watch:


d. Lighting:
e. Allotments:

f. School info:
g. Sports field:


h. Community Recreation area:

i. Road Safety / Highways:


j. Emergency: Emergency Plan ongoing

k. Transport:


l. Village Hall:


































K.       Finance:

a): August- clerk salary, £50×2 funeral and grave deeds MF/CF, postage £1.15, 12 stamps £9.12 (total £410.27)

August- allotments water bill £42.30

August- 2 graves-CF- £1,000 deposited

September- clerk salary £300, £50 + £1.15 postage grave deeds MB

September- Humber Wolds Action Group annual membership £25

September- ROSPA play area safety check £86 + vat £17.20=£103.20

September- crowd fund donation AN- tree felling £120 deposited

September- MB grave purchase-£500 deposited

September- £5,250 precept deposited

October- clerk salary £300+ £9.12 stamps

October- HCC 6 mth field rent £100

October- 2nd 6mth DH £1,780

October- renovation of benches £460

October- Lady Haigh Poppy factory £119.84+vat £23.96=£143.80

November- clerk salary £300

November- direct debit allotments water bill £172.16

December= clerk salary £300, stamps £9.12

December- ERYC annual grass cutting £681.19 + £136.24 vat= £817.43

January- clerk salary £300







9.           Any Questions:






Next Meeting: subject to government guidelines