PAULL PARISH COUNCIL: Minutes of the meeting held Thursday 9 January 2020

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :  Cllrs Shaw, Failey, Leach, Beadle, Cllr Thurston

b: In attendance :

Cllrs Hulme, Annison, Carlill, Hodgson, Allen and Lowde, Cllr Steel,

4 Members of the public.


2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant)


3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 7 November 2019, 2019

Proposed: Cllr Hulme; Seconded: Cllr Hodgson; Vote: Carries unanimously

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 5 December 2019,

No meeting held as not quorate


4.       Matters Arising Therefrom


·         Defibrillator/ first aid training by CHCP, delivered November- all agreed £20 donation

·         Holderness Lions litter picking will take place in the New Year






5.    Continuing Matters :


·  Parish Assets- discuss at February meeting

·  End of World War in Europe—Paull Fort is now closed permanently, other venues to be explored- clerk to speak with Highways re possible temporary closure of Main Street (Cllrs Hodgson and Carlill)

·  YEP- possible Revised plans on the portal, taking the first building further back from the village—clerk to contact JD in planning

·  ABP- Cllr Steel informed that the plans have been recommended for approval—this needs amending from ‘approved’ to ‘recommended for approval’ on tonight’s agenda,

·  Shipyard- now empty and up for rent again- clerk to contact JR Rix to ask that consideration to it being used as a safe trading centre be given when letting the premises, in view of the high winds, debris and possible flooding behind the sea defences in the shipyard, and the need to keep the village safe

·  National Grid- Cllr Shaw invited to travel in the tunnel 11 January 2019

·  Community Forum Saltend Chemical Park- Triton Power and PX-attended by Cllrs Shaw and Hodgson










6.    Correspondence


a.  Parish Precept 2020-2021, discussed a £500 increase to £10,500, proposed: Cllr Allen, seconded: Cllr Annison, unanimous-clerk to inform ERYC

b.  Meet the Police and Crime Commissioner dates- names to clerk

c.  Village Task Force- discussed–questionnaire completed and returned to ERYC by clerk

d.  National Grid workshop-Village Hotel 13 February 2020, 09.30am-4pm- names to clerk

e.  Response re Amenity land Main Street-clerk to contact Land Registry-PPC have maintained for some 35 years, also clarification of who owns land behind The Old Vicarage-Cllr Hodgson will email maps to clerk for Cllr Steel, also ownership of strip of land down Turpit Lane-maps and information from BB

f.   ERYC grass cutting contract tender £681.19 + vat—unanimously approved-clerk to confirm to ERYC












7.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water: Cllr Steel gave an update re her recent site visit and was pleased to report no odours

b.    B.P. /PX: as above

c.     Nippon Gohsei : nothing to report


d.    Triton Power Ltd (prev S.C.C Ltd) as above

e.    Vivergo : is the site reopening??


f. Ineos : nothing to report


g. Environment Agency : response from Tom Cochrane shared, discussion that Cllr Hulme could not attend meetings that he was unaware of!! Cllr Allen will email his concerns regarding the site directly to Tom Cochrane














8.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation: ABP-clerk to contact JD in planning for update, YEP recommended for approval by ERYC.
b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens: nothing to report

c. Police / Neighbourhood Watch: police walkabout-Village Hall 10am 8 January 2020—BB and Cllr Steel attended


d. Lighting: discussed again how dark it is in Leonard Close-fitting of an extra lighthead is on this year’s agenda by ERYC
e. Allotments: water bill £84.94-approved

f. School info: nothing to report
g. Sports field: ERYC 2019  annual grass bill £793.62 inc vat-approved


h. Community area/play park: thanks to Cllr Leach for capping the bolts—are there more bolts need capping? Cllr Carlill will discuss with Cllrs Beadle and Leach

1)            i. Road Safety / Highways: concerns raised regarding the accident between a car and moped at the junction of Main Street and Back Lane-can it be changed to stop instead of a give way? Is there a solution to make the junction safer?-clerk to speak to Highways at ERYC. Road surface eroding away from 10 Thorngumbald Road to Townend Road- clerk to report to ERYC, also 40mph sign near Demswood knocked over-clerk to report to ERYC


j. Emergency: Emergency Plan ongoing- needs submitting to County Hall when updated

k. Transport: nothing to report


l. Village Hall: nothing to report


































K.       Finance:

a): clerk salary, printing paper £20.12, inks £22.99

b): DH for work on recreation area £120

c): Yorkshire Water £84.94 (allotments)

d): ERYC grass cutting £793.62 (£661.35 + £132.27 vat)

e): CHCP donation £20

all unanimously approved





9.           Any Questions:  Dead tree opposite HAL Farmers- reported to ERYC in November. Potholes are massive and deep in Lane at High Paull down to the car park -clerk to email HCC to ask for urgent repair or closure of the lane



There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.05pm




Next Meeting:


7pm, Thursday, 6 February 2020,


upstairs observation deck of the Village Hall, disabled access available