PAULL PARISH COUNCIL: Agenda for Thursday, 2 May 2019

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :


b: In attendance :  



2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant)



3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 4 April 2019

Proposed:                             Seconded:                            Vote:




Matters Arising therefrom :






4.    Continuing Matters



·  ABP Humber International Development Park- Highways Agency information document- decision to delay for further 6 months from now

·  Yorkshire Energy Park- Councillors & PADEL met with representatives from YEP 23/4/19

·  Community recreation area: minutes, Future responsibilities

·  Charity status:

·  Emergency Plan-Cllr Shaw

·  Election 2 May, all councillors re-elected unopposed

·  New police surgery, walkabout Paull-10am, 7 May, 11 June, outside Village Hall


5.    Correspondence

a.       Village walkabout-with Darren Muldowney-Monday 20 May 2019 at 09.45am, outside Paull Village Hall-anyone available??

b.       National Grid-email from Thomas Hall – presentation at June meeting?

c.       Overview & Scrutiny Committee work programmes –large document was emailed out to councillors

d.       East Yorkshire Bus newsletter-emailed to all councillors

e.       ICO direct debit -confirmed-£35 on 15/05/2019

f.        Remittance advice -£5,000 precept received 29/04/2019

g.       Membership of the ERNLLCA Executive Committee

h.       VAT information from ERNLLCA

i.         Town and Parish Council Liasion meetings-planning information etc- Hedon Town Hall 5 June-6pm-8pm

j.         Annual parish council Insurance renewal BHIB-£517.42

k.       Men in Sheds-Cllr Hulme






6.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water: nothing to report

b.    B.P.: /PX: nothing to report

c.     Nippon Gohsei: nothing to report

d.    Triton Power Ltd: nothing to report

e.    Vivergo: nothing to report

f.     Ineos: nothing to report

g.    Environment Agency: nothing to report

7.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation: ABP / YEP ongoing


b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens: ABP-as above

c.  Police / Neighbourhood Watch:  update

d. Lighting: -Leonard Close- response from DW at ERYC

e. Allotments: £700 rent collected and banked by Cllr Beadle

f.   School info:

g. Sports field:

h.  Community Recreation Area: as above

i.   Road Safety / Highways:

j.   Emergency:

k.  Transport:

l.   Village Hall:









8.            Finance:

a.       Clerk salary, stamps £4.20, funeral £50 R M-B

b.       15/5/19 £35 ICO direct debit

c.       Annual Insurance renewal £517.42

d.       £700 banked-allotment rent

e.       £5,000 banked- precept

f.        £500 banked-funeral R M-B


9.         Any Questions:


10.     Next Meeting:

Thursday, 6 June 2019, 7pm, upper deck of the Village Hall.

Disabled access available