PAULL PARISH COUNCIL: Minutes of the meeting held Thursday 7 February 2019

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :  Cllrs Beadle, Leach, Hodgson
b: In attendance :
Cllrs Shaw, Failey, Hulme, Annison, Lowde,  Carlill, Allen, Cllr Steel & Thurston  4 Members of the public.
2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant) none


3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 10 January 2019

Proposed: Cllr Failey; Seconded: Cllr Hulme; Vote: carries unanimously


4.       Matters Arising Therefrom


·         Guest speakers from the National Grid Joint Venture-presentation to update- the tunnelling machine has passed the half way mark from Goxhill to Paull, videos shown, lighting discussed, and dangerous damage to verge outside the project.

·         ABP update-ERYC inundated with objections, more than 500 to date- could be after March when a planning decision is made. Cllr Steel informed that she had met with Stephen Hunt (ERYC planning), who had noted in particular GS and SS objection letters

·         Yorkshire Energy Park- the whole scheme is still progressing, but on hold, possibly until May?- Highways England involved

·         Letter from Cllr Shaw sent to N H re querying possible land purchase




5.    Continuing Matters :


·  Community Recreation Area-£20,000-equipment ordered, damage to trees sorted

·  Charity Status-ongoing

·  Chairman’s Awards – response from ST re Paull Holme Tower- it’s not yet completed—look at nominating in next year’s awards

·  Emergency Plan-Cllr Shaw to look at updating









6.    Correspondence


a.  Holderness Landscapes 2019 tender £3540-unanimously accepted-clerk to inform DH, also discussed the future should DH retire-Cllr Lowde to explore


b.       Response from PADEL re donation- £100 was donated by PADEL to Oakwood Dog rescue


c.       HART-unanimously agreed £100 donation


d.       Dog fouling letter- Cllr Shaw responded, and has put signs up-Public Protection letter form ERYC noted re dog fouling


e.       Skirlaugh planning application -noted


f.        Grantfinder- The Princes Trust-closing date 28/2/19-Cllr Failey


g.       HWRA luncheon club talks-Cllr Lowde


h.       Traffic Regulations-new markings outside the school to be implemented-map shown-unanimous support agreed in previous meeting


i.         Poor lighting Leonards Close -very dark at both ends of the close-BF had a fall -Clerk to contact ERYC to request extra lighting


j.         Lack of horse and rider signs coming from Thorngumbald to Paull-riding school, lots of children on ponies-clerk to contact ERYC to ask for signs at both sides of the riding school


k.       Committee for Standards in Public Life–letter from Matthew Buckley (ERYC)noted


l.         ERNLLCA newsletter-noted


m.     Humber Acute Services-invites to several dates/venues to discuss-noted


n.       RoSPA Advanced Training- majority agreed £5 donation


o.       NALC letter- noted


p.       Town and Parish Council Communication Review Panel-noted- also Cllr Steel always in attendance at PPC meetings


q.       Draft Planning Enforcement Plan Consultation-4/2 to 18/3/2019—harmful development/ breaching planning control-consultation events at Burnby Hall Pocklington YO42 2QF on Wednesday, 27 February 2019 -18.30pm for 19.00pm start, or County Hall Thursday, 28 February 2019- 14.00pm for 14.30pm start—any comments to clerk


r.        Letter and 2 documents rec’d from resident on Ferryman Park re the use of the land adjacent to the property as a grazing paddock-was there a change of use to garden? BM also raised the access to the land—BM will contact Cllr Steel/ERYC for advice-clerk to respond to letter advising the same













7.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water – cleaning of pipes in the area completed, burst water main repaired (residents some 7 hours without water, and the Main Street closed at one end for several days)

b.    B.P. /PX– Mon, 4/2/19 residents raised concerns that the alarm was sounding for increased time outside the notified alarm testing times- was there an emergency and should we have been notified? Clerk to contact PX

c.     Nippon Gohsei : Nothing to report


d.    Triton Power Ltd (prev S.C.C Ltd)- nothing to report

e.    Vivergo : nothing to report


f. Ineos : nothing to report


g. Environment Agency : Cllr Shaw gave an update of the joint presentation by EA and ABP in Patrington Village Hall re Outstrays to Skeffling re-alognment













8.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation : ABP full Planning application, YEP
b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens : ABP as above,

c. Police / Neighbourhood Watch : –information available on  ‘In your area’ website


d. Lighting : Leonards Close  a above
e. Allotments : – possible rent increase, collection of rent-clerk to contact Cllr Beadle

f. School info: Cllr Steel informed that ERYC will come down to assess the dangerous derelict blacksmiths building adjacent to the school, which has been reported on numerous occasions over the years
g. Sports field: Cllr Hulme advised he’s awaiting update re possible continuing use by local football team for training (car boot days to be avoided)-discussion re insurance, signs- GT will advise supplier


h. Community Area: Thanks given to National Grid for grant

i. Road Safety / Highways:  Paull Road repair-clerk thanked ERYC. Concerns raised again that the gritting stops at the Vicarage on the back road to Thorngumbald, the route is used by 3 school buses, and is on the route of the major gas installation -clerk to contact ERYC again

j. Emergency: Cllr Shaw re update of Emergency Plan

k. Transport: KF & BM attended the visit to the bus depot premises, also informed that there is a problem with through tickets


l) Village Hall: Cllr Lowde informed that the latest comedy play was sadly undersubscribed, date to be arranged for showing of old Paull village photographs



























K.       Finance:

a): clerk salary, expenses – stamps £8.04, £50 deeds KG

b): £56.40 plaque for centenary bench (JL)

c): £100 HART donation

d): £5 RoSPA donation

all approved unanimously



9.           Any Questions:

1)      Cllr Annison raised the issue of the main land drain dyke adjacent to Battery Cottage and Integra needing clearing (contractor available)-clerk to contact Integra/ Battery Cottage-update is -both parties happy to fund and are arranging with M Cook contractor

2)      Usage of caravan behind the Old Post Office-clerk to contact

3)      Caravan parked behind the school-letter to go to 5 Holderness Cottages as by climbing on could give access

4)      Methodist Chapel -now cancelled as a place of worship

5)      Uneven pavements-clerk to contact ERYC to ask for an inspection-streetscene?



There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.05pm




10.     Next Meeting: 7pm, Thursday, 7 March 2019,

upstairs observation deck of the Village Hall, disabled access available