PAULL PARISH COUNCIL: Agenda for Thursday 6 April 2017

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :



b: In attendance :  



3.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant)



4.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2 March 2017

Proposed :                             Seconded:                            Vote:




Matters Arising therefrom :



a)       National Grid replacement pipeline- no further information

b)      Carpark, woods, lane, football field-any updates?

c)       Bus shelters- both now installed

d)      Plaque for Humber Tavern bus shelter- design by Cllr Shaw and  Cllr Hulme,  Cllr Beadle will then make

e)      Plaque dedicated to Mrs Franks- Mr Franks passed the wording to Cllr Beadle

f)        Topping of graves- agreed by Holderness Landscapes

g)       Parking in Paghill—ongoing-Cllr Steel

h)      House in Paghill- B&B??/ HMO??- ongoing-Cllr Steel

i)        Manhole covers in the woods- Cllr Beadle as covered one with plywood, was trying to loacate second to do the same

j)        Playland- Cllr Failey will get some prices, and look at arranging some fund-raising events-Information rec’d from Komplan, Grantfinder -Veolia, and petition from ERNLLCA

k)       Possible altering of the corner at Townend Road and Back Lane, cutting back to enable larger vehicles to turn left without having to churn up the grass—Cllr Steel has contacted Mike Peeke who is to site visit—are there mains service pipes and cables running directly underneath??

l)        Note to Mr Paling re trailer left in Main Street, often full of rubbish- still in situ-local police would observe when in the area

m)    Litter pick by ERYC from Saltend and Hedon- Cllr Steel -some have taken place

n)      Charity status for PPC agreed-Cllr Lowde awaiting update from HCC, he will complete paperwork, all but one councillor to be the committee

o)      Potholes near Anson Villas- email sent to Mr Harrison on behalf of Cllr Lowde- skelpings now delivered and being distributed

p)      Donation to HART bus—receipt and thanks received

q)      Path to church still impassable in wheelchair or with a buggy, and brown bin full of bricks in the Folley- reported to ERYC





5.    Continuing Matters :


·  Bank Mandate- details now changed over- thanks to all concerned

·  Declaration and code of conduct forms

·  Yorkshire Enterprise Park- no information

·  Sea Defences-phase 2 imminent- plans were previously on show in the village hall- PPC agreed the PROW closures, and wrote again to ERYC with concerns- response from Paul Cusick

·  Parish Plan -ongoing

·  Website- now up and running, ongoing training from BW to continue

·  Village Hall- website opportunity-Cllr Lowde-A Knight & B Woodmansey to liaise—update onto PPC website

·  Alzheimer’s pop in— Kirsty Akrill has left ERYC, gave details of who to contact should we be able to accommodate

·  Photos for Parish council website and ERNLLCA website- more from Cllr Beadle when weather improves

·  Town & Parish Council Liaison meeting -re planning applications- Weds 10 May 2017- refreshments from 5.30pm, 6pm-8pm—any issues for discussion by  5 May.

·  Village walkabout-Cllr Woodmansey to attend- 20 June 2017, 09.45am, outside the village hall

·  The England Coastal path-no further information


6.    Correspondence

a.       Estuary TV-local news from parishes

b.       ERNLLCA newsletter-

c.       Outstrays to Skeffling re-alignment

d.       Verbal complaint regarding the whereabouts of the slides/ photographs

e.       PKF Littlejohn re accounts-annual return

f.        Request for approval for headstone

g.       Concern re the rows being too close together in the new graveyard



7.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water: nothing to report

b.    B.P.: forum and supper-5 April 2017 at Lambert House, 6pm start- Cllrs Shaw and Woodmansey

c.     Nippon Gohsei: nothing to report

d.    S.C.C. Ltd: nothing to report

e.    Vivergo: nothing to report

f.     Ineos: nothing to report

8.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation : clerk contacted ERYC- parish councils will continue to receive information of planning applications
b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens: nothing to report

c.  Police / Neighbourhood Watch: clerk contacted Maureen Yates at Safer Communities for clarification of role and responsibilities for NHW

d. Lighting: clerk contacted ERYC re hole left from repair 8 Back Lane

e. Allotments: £25 payments due 1 April 2017-Cllr Beadle-receipt book and master sheet

f.   School info: recruitment of governors

g. Sports field: half yearly Rent invoice rec’d £100

h. Playground: as above

i.   Road Safety / Highways: police and ERYC contacted re speeding cars— email response from Katie Stork, asst engineer, Traffic and Parking Team ERYC

j.   Emergency: details of previous emergency plan and new template passed to Cllr Shaw

k.  Transport: outcome of transport meeting attended by Mr Franks and Mrs Marshall- possible donation for shopping bus-

Complaint from resident re bus service

Bus information for EYMS

l.   Village hall: meeting 9 March 2017


9.            Finance:

a.       £50 cheque from WP Everingham

b.       £100  NPS half yearly rent

c.       £0 rate return sports field

d.       Finances-Annual return


10.     Any Questions:



11.     Next Meeting:


Thursday  4 May 2017 starting at 7 p.m. in the upstairs observation deck of Paull Village Hall (disabled access available.)