PAULL PARISH COUNCIL: Minutes of the meeting held Thursday 5 December 2019

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :  Cllrs Shaw, Allen, Hodgson, Carlill, Leach, Hulme, Beadle, Cllrs Steel and Thurston

b: In attendance :

Cllrs Failey, Annison and Lowde

4 Members of the public.


2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant)


3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 7 November 2019

Proposed: Unable to hold the meeting as not quorate


4.       Matters Arising Therefrom








5.    Continuing Matters :


·  YEP-

·  ABP-










6.    Correspondence














7.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water:

b.    B.P. /PX:

c.     Nippon Gohsei :


d.    Triton Power Ltd (prev S.C.C Ltd)

e.    Vivergo :


f. Ineos :


g. Environment Agency :














8.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation: ABP & YEP ongoing.
b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens:

c. Police / Neighbourhood Watch:


d. Lighting:
e. Allotments:

f. School info:
g. Sports field:


h. Community area/play park:

i. Road Safety / Highways:

j. Emergency: Emergency Plan ongoing- needs submitting to County Hall when updated

k. Transport:


l. Village Hall:


































K.       Finance:

a): clerk salary

b): Yorkshire Water £84.94

c): DH -recreation area work £120




9.           Any Questions:



 the meeting closed at 7.10pm




Next Meeting:


7pm, Thursday, 9 January 2020,


upstairs observation deck of the Village Hall, disabled access available