PAULL PARISH COUNCIL: Minutes of the meeting held Thursday 6 June 2019

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :  Cllrs Carlill, Allen, Hodgson, Steel


b: In attendance :

Cllrs Shaw, Lowde, Hulme, Annison, Leach, Failey, Beadle,

Cllr Thurston, 3 Members of the public.


2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant) none


3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 2 May 2019

Proposed: Cllr Annison; Seconded: Cllr Leach; Vote: carries unanimously


4.       Matters Arising Therefrom


·         Environment Agency-clerk to invite to July meeting to discuss why the bridge, steps etc from the carpark, are not being put back in situ when the work is completed in August(?)YWT have maintained-clerk to invite Andrew Gibson to July meeting—clerk/ Cllr Hulme to contact Tom (clerk to contact BE-J)

·         National Grid-invite to September meeting-clerk to contact Thomas Hall

·         Bus shelter-Back Lane near to the allotments-unanimously agreed to be demolished, and not replaced- Cllrs Leach and Beadle volunteered (as volunteers, no comeback should there be any accidents) to demolish Sunday, 9/6/19. (DH available next week should any problems arise.)                Cllr Leach confirmed that he dressed the residents wound on Saturday (11 May 2019) after it had happened, but wasn’t aware of how the wound was sustained. Clerk re-iterated that all councillors had recently been sent an email, on the advice of ERNLLCA, which asked that anything that needs attention in the village is reported immediately to the chairman Cllr Shaw, or to the clerk, for actioning

·         Town & Parish Liaison meeting-neither Cllr Shaw nor Cllr Lowde able to attend-Cllr Thurston advised that the presentation will be emailed out to parish clerks

·         Salt for bins-clerk to contact KH/Cllr Allen

·         Men in Sheds-Cllr Hulme asked for it to be deferred to July meeting





5.    Continuing Matters :


·  ABP Humber International Park- no update

·  Yorkshire Energy Park-no update

·  Community Recreation Area-Cllr Failey informed that all the equipment is now installed, the viewing platform and trim trail were completed today. Some Rubber matting needed. Needs some signage. CCTV /notices? 2 picnic tables on site. Gate put back on 6/6/19. Possible astro turf surface to be placed?  Cllr Failey informed that the Paull Recreation Team will be dissolving, and handing over the responsibility of the recreation area to Paull Parish Council-at the July meeting, he informed that he is inviting National Grid to a photo shoot.


Clerk advised that DH is prepared to consider the completing the weekly safety checks on a month’s trial, however, he would like to discuss the role and responsibilities with Cllr Shaw prior to commencing. It was noted that DH also maintains the grounds of the Area- remunerations need to be discussed.

Cllr Shaw will contact DH.


Rusty bolts reported to manufacturer (May mtg)-any  update?? (clerk emailed Cllr Failey 7/6/19-bolts due to be replaced w/c 10/6/19)

New steering wheel for Kidibine supplied by  Playdale (no visit from engineer)-fitted by Cllr’s Beadle & Failey- informed this doesn’t affect the Warranty.

Cllr’s Lowde & Failey informed that they had challenged young people on the area, some using equipment inappropriately—Cllr Shaw advised that any incidents are reported to the police.




·  Charity Status-no further need to pursue as the Recreation Team dissolving -take off agenda

·  Emergency Plan-responses will be compiled into closed register

·  New police surgery-village walkabout 10am, 11 June, outside the village hall

·  Village bi-annual walkabout -many thanks to Cllr Hodgson-information emailed out-clerk contacted KC re 2 manhole covers that needed re-sighting

·  Prayer Walk-Rev West had visited the area, chatted and prayed with residents












6.    Correspondence


a.  Bus shelter-see above


b.       ER Advanced Riders-donation?(-agreed £5, on hold as cheque was sent for £5 in Feb 2019)


c.       PKF exemption notice-noted


d.       Yorkshire Wildlife Exhibition-email out













7.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water – nothing to report

b.    B.P. /PX– nothing to report

c.     Nippon Gohsei : Nothing to report


d.    Triton Power Ltd (prev S.C.C Ltd)- nothing to report

e.    (Vivergo : nothing to report)


f. Ineos : nothing to report


g. Environment Agency : see above-invite to July meeting-also invite AG from YWT













8.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation : ABP & YEP ongoing
b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens : ABP as above,

c. Police / Neighbourhood Watch : information and figures shared. Confirmed contact details for PC Allison Munroe-tel:  07464 649716, best contact is via email:


d. Lighting : Cllr Hodgson queried when on walkabout re 2 lamp posts on entry to the village from Hedon, is relocation to Leonard Close a possibility? Response rec’d from ERYC RW/P Jacobson-clerk email and response from PJ – lighting schedule for updating Paull 2020 -will look at 2 light heads in Leonard Close
e. Allotments : £30.29 in credit YW

f. School info:
g. Sports field: clerk has rung and emailed AP at NPS -awaiting response,- can HCC enforce no camping on the carpark? -can PPC put up legitimate notices £1,000 fine??


h. Community Area: as above

i. Road Safety / Highways: parking of cars in pull-ins –clerk to query if any restrictions can be looked at

j. Emergency: Emergency Plan ongoing-as above

k. Transport: nothing to report


l. Village Hall: Car boot sale— VOLUNTEERS NEEDED– really busy-(be aware of aggressive dog being exercised- )


































K.       Finance:

a): clerk salary, stamps £8.40

b): £20 HL (repair of bus shelter)

c): £165.60 HMRC

d): £1,770 HL (ongoing half year payment)


all approved unanimously



9.           Any Questions:

1)       Graffiti on bus shelter at Humber Tavern-cllrs will assess, can it be painted over?—will ASB team remove?

2)      Cllrs informed that chap in the river for some 30 minutes until the fire brigade arrived

3)      Letter to go to resident re dog, loose on the recreation park, fouling and chasing children

4)      Concerns re the location of the caravan enterprise/amount stored/ could they compromise the new sea defences/blow into the river—clerk has previously had confirmation from ERYC that no planning consent was required for change of use for shipyard-clerk to explore concerns (Cllr Steel)

5)      Fires in the woods-reported to the police – needs reporting on every occasion to the fire brigade-KB will inform FH

6)      3 days of celebrations next year to mark the 75 years end of world War in Europe-beacons, parades, street parties etc- to be discussed at a further meeting

7)      KF-grass cutting and weedkiller- Cllr Hodgson had raised on the walkabout – massive area and short time to complete



There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.40pm




10.     Next Meeting: 7pm, Thursday, 4 July 2019, presentation by EA tbc

upstairs observation deck of the Village Hall, disabled access available