PAULL PARISH COUNCIL: Minutes of the meeting held Thursday 6 September 2018

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :  Cllrs Leach, Hodgson, Allen, Carlill
b: In attendance :
Cllrs Shaw, Hulme, Lowde, Annison, Beadle, Failey ,  Cllrs Steel, Dennis &Thurston, 2 Members of the public.
2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant) none


3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5 July 2018

Proposed: Cllr Lowde; Seconded: Hulme; Vote: carries unanimously


4.       Matters Arising Therefrom


·         Reverend Susan Walker has agreed to conduct 11 November 100 Year Commemorative Service- clerk to confirm.   Arrangements need to be discussed at October’s meeting—clerk to contact D Davies regarding the Wreath.            A discussion took place regarding a possible memorial bench and the placing- clerk to explore prices for composite bench, and also price up picnic benches

·         Privacy notice-passed out to some councillors for completion

·         Lifebelts- ERYC Shores Team survey annually and update

·         Traffic Management plans- 4 projects running in Paull at present—Cllr Hulme liaising. Clerk to contact NGrid to ask for substantial markers in the laybys on Back Lane and Newton Garth, as they are all missing again.

·         New grass bank at end of football field-grass now being cut





5.    Continuing Matters :


·  Community Recreation Area:  Cllr Failey gave an update. Cllr Hulme raised that in previous discussions the recreation area would be a separate entity to the parish council, Cllr Shaw agreed — it would be managed by the recreation group which has been formed- the parish council would support. Discussion re grant applications -these need to have supporting evidence of Recreation area accounts. Cllr Failey explained that the charity status has not yet been achieved for the Recreation area, and so are unable to apply for grants. It was queried re the ownership of the land and the equipment, and insurance- do the parish council rent the land to the Recreation Team???


Cllr Steel with enquire at East Riding if there is anyone available to support the team re funding bids. Cllr Lowde will pass grant information to Cllr Steel


Play equipment ordered, del w/c 17 Sepember 2018


Woodland Trust—grant successful-trees & shrubs to be delivered.


Re Charity status- the bank account name needs changing, also signatories to be changed on the recreation bank account, Cllr Failey to be added, Cllr Woodmansey to come off- there needs to be a constitution set up as to who is running it.


·         Defibrillator—new case, pads and battery delivered, battery installed by ambulance service. Contact Daniel Electrical if new case needs fitting. Now all registered and case number clearly displayed—advice is call 999 and give the number—they then give the code to access the machine.




More Fund raisers –village show, garage sale and scarecrow competition






6.    Correspondence


a.  Thankyou letter for donation to The Dales Branch of Guide Dogs for the Blind-Cllr Steel showed pictures from the fundraising, and informed that it costs around £54,000 to train a guide dog

b.  Query for a new Bench in the new churchyard, it was discussed that it is difficult to place where asked for, as their needs enough clearance for the tractor to access the perimeter, resident can look at placing a plaque on an existing bench-clerk to contact

c.  Cancelled Heritage Days- email update from Simon Taylor

d.  Information form ERNLLCA re code of conduct etc- to be discussed at a further meeting

e.  Unanimous vote that the chair and the clerk can represent PPC to vote re ERNLLCA

f.   Funding opportunity reducing litter-noted

g.  Mandatory school keep clear markings-clerk to email ERYC with parish council support

h.  Flood risk survey-clerk to complete

i.    Fire Brigade advice leaflets-circulated and placed in notice boards

j.    Yorswitch information-circulated















7.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water – odours noted- Cllr Steel had contacted YW with details

b.    B.P. /PX– nothing to report

c.     Nippon Gohsei : Nothing to report


d.    Triton Power Ltd (prev S.C.C Ltd)- nothing to report

e.    Vivergo : Site is planning to close down completely end September 2018


f. Ineos : nothing to report


g. Environment Agency : Broken pane in glass wall reported to Paul Cusick at ERYC- he will deal













8.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation : Planning application -Thorn Marsh Wet grassland, Bellcroft Lane Thorngumbald by Hull Eco Park. Cllr Dennis explained that Hull Eco Park are the same team as the Energy Park – and this site is needed for the curlews as there is not enough land for them at the Hedon aerodrome-clerk to respond to state the parish council are concerned that this is high quality agricultural land that will be lost, we will defer to the comments of the experts
b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens : nothing to report

c. Police / Neighbourhood Watch : –information shared


d. Lighting : nothing to report
e. Allotments : Process of collecting rents etc discussed, to be revisited  in future meeting.

f .School info : nothing to report
g. Sports field: being used for training by Hedon Rangers-kind donation of £50 to PPC

h. Community Area: as above

i. Road Safety / Highways :  ongoing concerns re 4 sets of works in the area, it was noted that the road breaking away on Paull Road from Saltend is now marked up in yellow

j. Emergency : nothing to report

k. Transport : KF & BM attended the HART AGM


l) Village Hall: tables storage now sorted




















K.       Finance :

a) : clerk salary September

b): Stationary-inks, printing paper, stamps £48.02

c): DH plants £50

d): Playground equipment (paid July, half payment) £7101.08

e): Donation to the Dales Guide Dogs for the Blind (July) £100

All unanimously approved



9.           Any Questions :

Letter of resignation received from Cllr Woodmansey, clerk to send note of thanks, voting of the vice chair to be deferred to the next meeting

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.05pm




10.     Next Meeting: 7pm, Thursday, 4 October 2018, upstairs observation deck of the Village Hall, disabled access available (Commemorative Service to be discussed)