PAULL PARISH COUNCIL: Agenda for Thursday 6 September 2018

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :


b: In attendance :  



2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant)



3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5 July 2018

Proposed:                             Seconded:                            Vote:




Matters Arising therefrom :


·         Rev Mrs Susan Walker has agreed to conduct the 100 Year Memorial Service 3pm 11November 2018, update to her after planning discussion at this meeting

·         Privacy Notice consent forms-some need completing

·         Lifebelts- information from ERYC Shores Team is that the area is surveyed annually (due Aug/Sept), a decision is then made re more lifebelts/placing etc

·         Traffic Management, 4 projects running, Cllr Hulme liaising, request made to Nation Grid for layby marker posts, update from National Grid (posted out to all residents)

·         Grass Bank, football field- email to EA, who asked for clarification of where,  grass now being cut


4.    Continuing Matters :


·  Community recreation area: cheque for £7101.08 (£5917.57 plus £1183.51 vat) paid 24 July 2018 (half payment), delivery and installation 17 September.

National Grid Grant application—-

Email from Michael Carter, Sports and Play Consulting, offering meeting to inform of their services-

·  Charity status: Cllr Lowde

·  Defibrillator- new case, pads and battery delivered, battery installed. Needs an electrician to install new case, existing case still ok


5.    Correspondence


a.       Thankyou letter from The Dales and District Branch of The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association for our donation of £100

b.       Bench query

c.       Cancelled Heritage Open Days- information from Simon Taylor

d.       ERNLLCA newsletter- information re code of conduct etc

e.       ERNLLCA representatives—clerk and chair?—needs parish council vote

f.        Invitation to ER CCG AGM-Tuesday, 18 September 2018, 4.40pm for 5pm-to 7pm at Willerby Manor Hotel

g.       Beverley Building Society new account information

h.       Councillor Training survey-response by 10 Sept 2018-(done)

i.         Funding opportunity for innovative approach to reducing litter

j.         Mandatory School Keep Clear Markings

k.       Flood Risk Survey (done)

l.         Fire Brigade information and leaflets

m.     Yorswitch information





6.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water: Cllr Steel contacted YW re odours

b.    B.P.: /PX: nothing to report

c.     Nippon Gohsei: nothing to report

d.    Triton Power Ltd: nothing to report

e.    Vivergo:  nothing to report

f.     Ineos: nothing to report

g.    Environment Agency: broken glass pane, reported to Paul Cusick at ERYC,

7.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation : Planning application Thorn Marsh Wet Grassland, Bellcroft Lane Thorngumbald by Hull Eco Park Ltd
b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens: nothing to report

c.  Police / Neighbourhood Watch: update (7 August 2018)

d. Lighting:

e. Allotments: collection of rents, receipt, log, to be discussed

f.   School info:

g. Sports field:

h.  Community Recreation Area: as above

i.   Road Safety / Highways:

j.   Emergency:

k.  Transport:

l.   Village Hall: tables stored at Cllr Hulme’s house









8.            Finance:

a.       Clerk salary September

b.       Stationary, inks, printing paper, stamps £48.02

c.       Holderness Landscapes £50 (plants)

d.       Playground equipment July (half payment) £7101.08

e.       Donation July to Guide Dogs for the Blind Association Dales Branch £100



9.         Any Questions:


10.     Next Meeting:


Thursday 4 October 2018 starting at 7 p.m. in the upstairs observation deck of Paull Village Hall (disabled access available.)