PAULL PARISH COUNCIL: Minutes of the meeting held Thursday 5 July 2018

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :  Cllrs Shaw, Beadle, Allen, Carlill, Leach
b: In attendance :
Cllrs Woodmansey ( in the chair), Hulme, Lowde, Annison, Hodgson, Failey ,  Cllrs Steel &Thurston, 3 Members of the public.
2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant) none


3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7 June 2018

Proposed : Cllr Failey;  Seconded: Cllr Woodmansey;  Vote: carries unanimously


4.       Matters Arising Therefrom


·         Traffic Management plans- 4 projects running in Paull at present—communication from National Grid joint venture shared, Cllr Hulme updated that there are monthly meetings between agencies—needs careful monitoring. Cllr Hulme happy to meet with all agencies concerned should complaints arise- Mr & Mrs B photographic evidence. Clerk to contact NGrid to ask for substantial markers in the laybys on Back Lane and Newton Garth, as they are all missing again.

·         Road usage for car boot sale-Cllr Steel advised it is a private road, there is only public footpath access— Cllrs Annison & Lowde to explore alternative route for 7 July car boot sale

·         Lifebelts-clerk to contact ERYC Shores team for update— inform Cllr Steel any problems





5.    Continuing Matters :


·  Community Recreation Area:  Cllr Failey informed that there had been an altercation with a woman resident and a loose dog– he had been painting the wall when he had asked politely for the dog to be put on a lead on the play area, and advised her that there are signs—her husband (HS) then came to Cllr Failey and made threats towards him. Witnessed by resident (BG).

Burnt paper found under the combine

Play equipment ordered, (del August?)

Signatories to be changed, Cllr Failey to be added,

Cllr Woodmansey  to  come off.

Woodland Trust—grant successful-trees & shrubs to be delivered


·  Charity status application- Cllr Lowde-name needs changing

·  Boundary fence on river—Fence now in situ-many thanks to Cllr Hulme





More Fund raisers and scarecrow competition






6.    Correspondence


a.  GDPR- (Hedon) and PPC draft Privacy notice shared, discussed, and agreed, PPC consent forms completed by the attending councillors

b.   Natural England Coastal Path-information circulated, some of the path is through one of the working projects -EA- for safety reasons, a walker was escorted through.

c.  Letter from Humberside Police & Crime Commissioner-noted

d.  Cycling route competition-noted

e.  ERNLLCA newsletter-noted















7.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water – odours noted- Cllr Steel to contact YW with details

b.    B.P. /PX– nothing to report

c.     Nippon Gohsei : Nothing to report


d.    Triton Power Ltd ( prev S.C.C Ltd)- nothing to report

e.    Vivergo : nothing to report


f. Ineos : nothing to report


g. Environment Agency : Outstrays to Skeffling -information noted. Cllr Hulme updated re clay is being imported as clay being taken out is not suitable to reuse, lighter clay will be put in and then topped with the imported clay behind the riding school.

Noted that cars are parking in the new passing places since the EA closed the public car park.













8.   Committees

a. Development & Conservation : Planning application, supporting documents, covering letter, Paull Local Development Order—discussed-is it the whole area or part?—Cllr Steel explained the planning process-noted- no observations
b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens : nothing to report

c. Police / Neighbourhood Watch : –information shared


d. Lighting : nothing to report
e. Allotments : Process of collecting rents etc to be discussed in future meeting. 3 plots available

f .School info : the pupils are invited to put their hand prints on the wall of the community area
g. Sports field: Graffiti on the building- Everingham’s have today cleaned the pebbledash- new piece of board needed, and metal needs painting ( Cllr Hulme will explore, Cllr Failey has paint)

h. Community Area: (previously playground) Anna Garniss- local artist – is to visit the site 9 July

i. Road Safety / Highways :  concerns that there are currently 4 sets of works in our area. Cllr Failey has again reported the uprooted sign at the corner of Townend Road- Cllr Steel will follow up.

Paull Road from Saltend to the bridge breaking away badly—Cllr Steel will check out and follow up with ERYC

j. Emergency : nothing to report

k. Transport : EYMS have sold out (to NYorks company), no timetable in Turpits Lane, timetable case back missing at Humber Tavern


l) Village Hall: nothing to report

























K.       Finance :

a) :  clerk salary July & August

b): HMRC payment – April- June & July-Sept 2018-sorted by Cllr Lowde

c): Everinghams -graffiti-£240- agreed at prev meeting

All unanimously approved




9.           Any Questions :

Cllr Hulme-Picnic tables on sports field all broken- Cllr Annison will move, Cllr Failey said if there any spare from the community area, he will pass them for use.


Remembrance Sunday-11 November 2018- Cllr Thurston explained that it is 100 years since the end of WW1, service in Hedon 10.30-11.30am then celebrations, new statue, last post at 6.55pm and beacons will be lit across the country at 7pm.


Paull Parish Council to arrange this year’s service- agreed 3pm, to be discussed and committee arranged in September’s council meeting— clerk to contact Rev Mrs Susan Walker to ask if she can officiate.


Weeds in the village- Cllr Woodmansey has seen the mini sprayer in the village this week


The bank raised by the EA on the football field – grassed but not being cut—clerk to contact EA

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.35pm




10.     Next Meeting: 7pm, Thursday, 6 September 2018, upstairs observation deck of the Village Hall, disabled access available (Commemorative Service to be discussed)