PAULL PARISH COUNCIL: Minutes of the meeting held Thursday 7 June 2018

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :  Cllrs Beadle, Annison, Hulme, Allen, Hodgson
b: In attendance :
Cllrs Shaw, Woodmansey, Lowde,  Leach, Carlill, Failey  Cllrs Steel &Thurston, 3 Members of the public.
2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant) none


3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 3 May 2018

Proposed : Cllr Woodmansey ;  Seconded: Cllr Leach;  Vote: carries unanimously


4.       Matters Arising Therefrom


·         Land adjacent to Anson Villas—Cllr Steel confirmed ownership by householder

·         Caravans /camping on the carpark-clerk to order 2 signs as per quote



Many thanks to Cllr Steel


5.    Continuing Matters :


·  Community Recreation Area: £600 raised at fundraiser 13 May, quotes for 3 pieces of play equipment, local artist to paint mural on the wall, involving Paull Primary pupils, who will also cement on small rocks.


·  Charity status application- Cllr Lowde-still awaiting update, £10,000 banked in Community Fund

·  Town & Parish Liaison Meeting, Hedon  9 May- information circulated prior to the meeting–Cllr Shaw had attended and gave update, any concerns can be fed back

·  Chairman’s report- agreed (with minor amendments)



  Fund raiser and scarecrow competition







6.    Correspondence


a.  Stones on the perimeter of the carpark-super job, sadly Hull City Council refused permission to further place stones – do they now have a responsibility to replace the river fence- has it been handed back to HCC??? Cllr Hulme to advise clerk of contact details

b.   thank you emails sent to Richard Sandford  &  Paul Cusick -responses from RS & Pete Smurthwaite of PBS

c.  GDPR -registration-Cllr Lowde has registered PPC – £35 (annually?)DPO is the clerk-clerk to contact Judith, Hedon Town clerk for advice re consent forms

d.  Complaint of builder and garden debris over the sea wall—speak to householder

e.  Invitation to Hart AGM Monday, 6 August 2018, 1.30pm, Hornsea Bowling Club—inform clerk if available to attend






a clerk to email












7.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water – nothing to report- odours noted

b.    B.P. /PX– nothing to report

c.     Nippon Gohsei : Nothing to report


d.    Triton Power Ltd ( prev S.C.C Ltd)- nothing to report

e.    Vivergo : nothing to report


f. Ineos : nothing to report


g. Environment Agency : temporary footpath and carpark closure May 2018.













8.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation : amended planning application of Rosehill Tack widening. Information from ERYC re new planning regs circulated prior to meeting
b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens : nothing to report

c. Police / Neighbourhood Watch : –information shared, police surgery outside the Village Hall 5 July 2018 11am-12noon


d. Lighting : nothing to report
e. Allotments :  Many thanks to Cllr Beadle for collecting allotment rents-£425—–3 available plots, (Yorkshire Water is £15.66 in credit in allotment account)

f .School info : OFSTED inspection- rated good—lovely write up in the Hull Daily Mail
g. Sports field: Graffiti on the building- Everingham’s will clean-many thanks to Cllr Hulme for power & water


h. Community Area: (previously playground) as above

i. Road Safety / Highways :  concerns that there are currently 3 sets of works in our area. Cllr Failey has reported the uprooted sign at the corner of Townend Road

j. Emergency : nothing to report

k. Transport : Bus champions- clerk forwards relevant emails to KF, he could contact the writer of emails to be copied directly


l) Village Hall: Cllr Lowde updated, possible problems with lane usage/ blocking/changing of route/safety problems for emergency vehicles/route has been used since the start of the car boot sales— Cllr Steel will explore, Cllr Lowde will continue to try to work with householders to try to find a resolution




























K.       Finance :
a: update from Cllr Lowde, balance sheet to be posted on website


b:  clerk salary + £8.04 stamps


c: £35 GDPR registration (Cllr Lowde)


d: £500.63 Annual Parish Insurance


e: Holderness Landscapes- half year payment


f: £28.30 no camping signs


All unanimously approved


Clerk Salary to be discussed at July meeting




9.           Any Questions :

Overgrown hedge- advised to call ERYC on 393939

Lifebelts for along the sea wall—clerk to explore who would provide-and pass information to Cllr Failey

AGI=what is the traffic management plan—JB queried why their traffic is coming in and out via Thorngumbald, and not in via Paull and out via Thorngumbald—clerk to contact Tom Hall

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.15pm




10.     Next Meeting: 7pm, Thursday, 5 July 2018, upstairs observation deck of the Village Hall, disabled access available