PAULL PARISH COUNCIL: Minutes of the meeting held Thursday 1 March 2018

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :  Cllrs Failey, Hulme, Carlill, Leach, Allen & Steel
b: In attendance :
Cllrs Shaw, Woodmansey, Lowde, Annison, Beadle, Hodgson, Thurston & 3 Members of the public.
2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant) none


3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 1 February 2018

Proposed : Cllr Woodmansey ;  Seconded: Cllr Lowde;  Vote: carries unanimously


4.       Matters Arising Therefrom :

Presentation by National Grid- deferred to April Meeting



5.    Continuing Matters :


·  Community Recreation Area: deferred to next meeting to discuss with Cllr Failey -Cllr Shaw explained that the annual inspections carried out by ROSPA are not expensive, Cllr Lowde has checked the parish insurance documents, it appears that it does cover the community area but states that weekly inspections and any damage needs to be recorded. Cllr Lowde briefly explained regarding some of the documents required for the CHCP bid.


·  Charity status application- update from Cllr Lowde, there is support and guidance now available–will update next meeting




Community area -Deferred to April meeting






6.    Correspondence


a.  Community update- National Grid-document circulated and an update given from Cllr Woodmansey, who attended the blessing of Mary, the tunnel boring machine ceremony at Goxhill (the naming competition was won by a Paull Primary School student)

b.  Lane at High Paull—-response from J Joannou-ERYC responsibility????

c.  Hart donation- £100 unanimous-clerk to send cheque

d.  Road cleaning Thorngumbald Road- Richard Sandford—all ok now

e.  Potholes in Main Street—reported by Cllr Woodmansey, repaired immediately by ERYC

f.   Beach clean at the lighthouses by Hull Friends of the Earth- 3 March-noted

g.  Marker posts-ongoing

h.  ERNLLCA- Cllr’s Financial Responsibilities Course-8 March Withernsea, 26 March Driffield- poss Cllr Hodgson




b) clerk to contact JJ again-JJ left NPS, now Duncan Shaw (


7.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water – repairing of the grass verge Back Lane

b.    B.P. – planning application for 2 liquid nitrogen storage tanks-no observations

c.     Nippon Gohsei : Nothing to report


d.    Triton Power Ltd ( prev S.C.C Ltd)- update from Cllrs Woodmansey and Thurston, who attend the forum

e.    Vivergo : no updates as to the reopening


f. Ineos : nothing to report


g. Environment Agency : nothing to report













8.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation : BP-as above-proposed new tanks-noted. Widening of Rosehill track-noted. Appeal application land 46 Main Street Paull successful-planning permission granted-to be built within 3 years- noted
b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens : nothing to report

c. Police / Neighbourhood Watch : – can access on line figures on line- information circulated. Police Surgery 22 March 2018, 11am at Paull Village Hall


d. Lighting : nothing to report
e. Allotments :  Cllr Beadle reported that an allotment is being vacated– £20 deposit to be returned

f .School info : nothing to report
g. Sports field: Cllr Lowde has written to PBS re loss in takings (car boot sales) since work commenced, he has been told that the lane will be re-instated at the end of the works. Next car boot beginning of April—the works should be completed


h. Community Area: (previously playground) as above

i. Road Safety / Highways :  Grit box replaced at Demswood  – thanks to Cllr Steel & Cllr Allen. Gritters still turning round at The Vicarage and not going on the Back Road to Thorngumbald as requested—clerk to email Cllr Steel

j. Emergency : nothing to report

k. Transport : update from KF – he met with Graham Thomas, who had agreed that he timetable possibly needs altering, but this could take 6-12 months. 60% of Paull residents are not concessions and pay full fare


l) Village Hall: John Godber play 24 March 2018, slideshow of Paull 7 April 2018 – Cllr Lowde has tickets



C: information emailed in re cold callers -mobility























K.       Finance :
a: clerk £300 -unanimous

b: Deposit £50 from Everinghams( Edna stone)



9.           Any Questions :

Cllr Beadle stated that there are buttresses going in at the Lighthouse, Cllr Beadle will establish the ownership of the land where they are to be placed.


Portacabin appeared in the garden of residence in Thorngumbald Road- does it need planning permission?


Vans parked on pavement outside 4 Rosegarth Bungalows -opposite a junction, and near the bus stop- letter to go


Work to commence Paull Holme Strays March


Fibre optic box Thorngumbald Road (towards BBC field) -knocked over??-email to KC


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.10pm




10.     Next Meeting: 7pm, Thursday, 5 April 2018, upstairs observation deck of the Village Hall, disabled access available

Guest speakers- National Grid joint venture