PAULL PARISH COUNCIL: Minutes of the meeting held Thursday 7 December 2017

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :  Cllrs Shaw, Allen, Woodmansey, Carlill, Beadle, Steel
b: In attendance :
Cllrs Failey ( in the chair)  Lowde, Annison, Hulme, Leach, 1 Member of the public.
2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant) none


3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2 November 2017

Proposed : Cllr Lowde ;  Seconded: Cllr Failey;  Vote: carries unanimously


4.       Matters Arising Therefrom :

a)  Request from Mrs Sarah Hodgson to join the parish council-proposed Cllr Annison, seconded Cllr Lowde, vote unanimous

b)   Memorial Service refreshments- £30, thanks to Mrs B Marshall for arranging. Donation to the Bugler–???

c)  Name Bank, clerk to speak with Cllr Shaw and submit suggestions to ERYC



a)       Clerk to inform Mrs Hodgson, and update Democratic Services at ERYC

5.    Continuing Matters :


·  Community Recreation Area: update given by Cllr Failey, fundraising continues including Christmas Carols round the village on Christmas Eve. A discussion took place regarding  insurance – Cllr Lowde will continue with quotes, which would need to be funded by the Paull Village Improvement Fund. What are the terms of the warranty of the equipment kindly installed by Vivergo?- Cllr Failey will explore. Who will check the equipment, at what intervals, and where will it be recorded- will this be bought in, or will there be training available? Has there been a risk assessment, and are there suitable signs in place? Could the land be rented to PVIF at a peppercorn rent ?

Cllr Failey will keep Cllr Steel updated re Chairman’s Awards.

It was noted that not everyone accesses facebook which is where the information is.


·  Charity status application- update from Clr Lowde that initially he was informed that the application had been again rejected, but has now been informed that it is in the queue for consideration. Cllr Failey said that there are minutes of the meetings available taken by Donna.

·  Hart driver licensing- response letters received from MP’sGraham Stuart & Greg Knight

·  Allotment bus shelter- Cllr Hulme advised that, in his opinion-whilst it isn’t in the best state, it doesn’t need demolishing. KF informed that he has spoken to PBS.

·  Yorkshire Wildlife Trust- bench and Signs to be put in place after the walkabout—is the public footpath to be again rerouted?

·  Yorkshire Enterprise Park- no update




Cllr Failey informed that the next Improvement Fund meeting is 7pm, Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Cllr Lowde will access insurance quotes


Letter of thanks to go to Donna, Jo & Sam










Clerk to contact Paul Cusick re public footpath routing query


6.    Correspondence


a.  Precept- to be discussed in the January meeting

b.  National grid/ joint venture- information cascaded re rigs that will be arriving are for piling (and NOT for fracking)-presentation update arranged for March meeting.

c.  Humber Nature Partnership- presentation form G Kell arranged for February meeting

d.  Civil Parking Enforcement information-circulated and noted

e.  Outstrays to Skeffling EA information-circulated and noted







7.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water – nothing to report

b.    B.P. – nothing to report

c.     Nippon Gohsei : Nothing to report


d.    S.C.C. Ltd : 21 Nov meeting postponed due to lack of take up—clerk to inform Jane Scott that more may be available to attend if the meetings were arranged for evening

e.    Vivergo : email received form Vivergo, circulated and noted- no date given for the reopening after the shutdown


f. Ineos : nothing to report


g. Environment Agency : nothing to report – Cllr Hulme will make contact













8.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation : Planning appeal Mr Failey, land at 46 Main Street, Paull- noted, no observations, could this open up the village for more planning applications?


b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens : nothing to report

c. Police / Neighbourhood Watch : nothing to report – can access on line


d. Lighting : nothing to report
e. Allotments :  nothing to report

f .School info : nothing to report
g. Sports field: nothing to report


h. Community Area: ( previously playground) as above

i. Road Safety / Highways : pothole on Back Lane near to Feryyman’s Park – clerk to report to ERYC— Also the 2 new layby’s near to the National Grid works—can some signs stating layby/passing place be erected, and chevrons or markers be put in place as in the dark the road gives the impression of widening out, and it is not clear that it very quickly goes back to it’s original width-clerk to contact Tom Hall at Grayling, and ERYC. Clerk to also query with ERYC the length of time the road from Thorngumbald to Paull was closed, when such a minimal amount of work was carried out—causing residents a long detour, and a machine was left parked up after the work was finished causing difficulties for farm machinery getting past. The work did not include the pothole near to Newlands Lane that has been reported to ERYC by the clerk.

All present were asked to contact ERYC on 01482 393939 to report concerns.

j. Emergency : nothing to report

k. Transport : Clerk to contact D McGurn re the bus stop at the Shipyard has a sticker on with the wrong number


l) Village Hall: no update





















































K.       Finance :
a: clerk salary £300 +£3.90 expenses

b: Yorkshire Water-allotments £51.60

c: Holderness Landscapes £70

d: Refreshments for the Memorial Service (Mrs B Marshall) £30

all agreed unanimously



9.           Any Questions
a) KF queried when the drains were due to be cleared-Cllr Hulme explained the colour tie wrap system operated by ERYCb)cost of the domain and updating of the website queried-clerk to explorec)fence at the church blown down—Cllr Annison informed that ERYC are aware


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.35pm




10.     Next Meeting: 7pm, Thursday, 4 January 2018, upstairs observation deck of the Village Hall, disabled access available