PAULL PARISH COUNCIL  : Minutes of the meeting held Thursday 5 October  2017

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :  Cllrs Shaw, Woodmansey, Failey, Annison
b: In attendance :
Cllrs Carlill, Lowde, Hulme, Beadle, Allen, Steel and Thurston, 7 Members of the public.
2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant) none


3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7 September 2017

Proposed : Cllr Carlill ;  Seconded: Cllr Hulme;  Vote: carries unanimously


4.       Matters Arising Therefrom :

a)  proposed changes to passenger transport operator and driver licensing laws -Community transport

b)   Bus shelter at Allotments in poor state



a)Cllr Steel

b)Cllr Hulme will evaluate, possible dismantle-all agreed

5.    Continuing Matters :


·  Mr Mrs Hodgson, metal fence placed by ERYC—Cllr Steel update- Clerk to write to Paul Belotti at ERYC

·  Film/documentary evening show re Paull Holme Tower—Mr Taylor and Mrs D Brazier to liaise and arrange fund raising evening December

·  Community Recreation area- update and plan shared, groundwork to commence 6/10/17, Mr P Knight will re-site his boundary fence—Cllrs Carlill & Beadle. Next meeting-17 October 2017, 6.30pm, The Royal Oak—

Possible nomination for Chairman’s Award—Cllr Steel will explore—photos need to be taken throughout the stages

·  Charity status—Cllr Lowde ongoing, awaiting decision


·  YWT- new seat—all agreed the siting of the old one to be at the Village Hall-possibly on the viewing deck—LK to inform YWT/ERYC


·  Yorkshire Enterprise Park- no update, noted that there had been a debate on Radio Humberside
















6.    Correspondence


a.  Proposed Development Saltend Lane—Clerk to write-noise, visibility, smell??

b.  YWT information re the damage to the old lighthouses-noted

c.  National Grid presentation paperwork – noted

d.  Litter Innovation Fund-noted

e.  Veolia Funding-noted

f.   Tackling inactivity funding-noted

g.  Countryside Alliance nominations-noted

h.  ERYC Network meeting 12/10/17-noted

i.    Pharmaceutical Need Assessment Consultation-noted






7.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water – nothing to report

b.    B.P. – nothing to report

c.     Nippon Gohsei : Nothing to report


d.    S.C.C. Ltd : 21 November 2017 12noon, lunch provided, at the site—Cllrs Shaw & Woodmansey

e.    Vivergo : Meeting for councillors 1st November 2017, Humber Tavern -reminder email to be sent to cllrs


f. Ineos : nothing to report


g. Environment Agency : nothing to report













8.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation : Proposed Development Saltend Lane-see above


b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens : nothing to report

c. Police / Neighbourhood Watch : no update received
d. Lighting : nothing to report
e. Allotments :  all allotments now let

f .School info : nothing to report
g. Sports field: nothing to report


h. Playground: as above

i. Road Safety / Highways :

j. Emergency :

k. Transport : ongoing re flags/time table cases—clerk to contact D McGurn—requests–New pole with flag and time table case for Tavern stop, New flag and timetable case at the shipyard, new post and timetable at the allotments, flag at Turpit Lane, new timetable case at Paghill.


l) Village Hall: nothing to report


































K.       Finance :
a: clerk salary £300

b: £4.750 precept rec’d-noted

c: £2.252.15 vat rec’d-Noted—thanks to Cllr Lowde

approved unanimously.



9.           Any Questions
a) Mrs Marshall queried the whereabouts of the trolley used a number of years ago by Mr King—was stored at Low Paull Farm-probably disintegratedb)road at Newlands Lane towards Thorngumbald subsidingc) piece of concrete to go over open drain in the woods-Cllrs Carlill & Beadled) road to High Paull horrendous







There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.30pm




a) Cllr Hulme to contact A Lambert

b)clerk to contact ERYC, copy in Cllr Steel

d)clerk to contact HCC

10.     Next Meeting: 7pm, Thursday, 2 November 2017, upstairs observation deck of the Village Hall, disabled access available