PAULL PARISH COUNCIL  : Minutes of the meeting held Thursday 7 September  2017

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :  Cllrs Allen, Beadle, Annison and Steel
b: In attendance :
Cllrs Shaw, Woodmansey, Failey, Carlill, Lowde, Hulme, Thurston, Members of the public.
2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant) none


3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6 July 2017

Proposed : Cllr Failey ;  Seconded: Cllr Hulme;  Vote: carries unanimously


4.       Matters Arising Therefrom :

a)Mrs Sarah Hodgson spoke about the metal fence with spikes on, which has appeared at the bottom of her garden—she has spoken with ERYC who stated that they have had it erected because of recent burglaries (Paull Parish Council has no knowledge of any burglaries.)    Mrs Hodgson stated that she has not been informed or approached by ERYC regarding the erecting of the fence, and that she can no longer access the stopcock to her property. Mrs Hodgson is in the process of putting up a wooden fence around her garden, but the metal one is higher and will still be seen from her property, she is very upset as she has spent much time and money restoring the property. Mrs Hodgson to forward information to the clerk

Councillors agreed to support.


b)Mr Simon Taylor updated on the works at Paull Holme Tower, he has made a documentary and film, and queried if there might be an opportunity to show—maybe  a film evening arranged in December, to tie in with a showing of the old slides/photographs – discuss at October meeting




Clerk to initially contact Cllr Sue Steel

5.    Continuing Matters :


·  Presentation by staff from the joint venture of Skanska and the National Grid- work now gearing up at the Paull site. A competition has been held with local primary schools on both sides of the river to name the tunnel machine—ceremony to be held at Goxhill, all pupils are invited.

The funding grants available were updated.

·  Results from the village walkabout discussed-agreed to monitor


·  Community Recreation area- ERYC confirmed no formal planning permission is required. Cllr Lowde completing paperwork for charity status, Cllr Failey has arranged a fund raising meeting 20 September 2017 in the Tavern.  Cllr Hulme will take advice re plans. Discussion around bank balance and pledges, and letters to confirm. Vivergo eager to get the works underway- Cllr Failey to continue to liaise with Nick. Nearby residents have been given information in hand delivered letters.


·  Yorkshire Wildlife Trust- unanimous vote for new seat at the Tavern-clerk to ask Tom Marshall for the old bench, that can be resited in the village


·  Re- routing of Footpath No 6 previously agreed on basis that the nearby residents were not against —KF advised that he has spoken to residents at Anson Villas, he stated that they are unaware of the plan—we have an email from ERYC informing that they were informed–clerk to contact ERYC


·  War Memorial on the Primary School wall- work well under way, the sandstone due to be cleaned next


·  Yorkshire Enterprise Park- closing date for comments to ERYC 26 August 2017, awaiting outcome


·  Vermin Control- letter of authority for Mr Robinson, and information of the area- clerk to provide

·  Merchant Navy Red Ensigns – 2 flags in situ-photos needed



























6.    Correspondence


a.  ERNLLCA-AGM 14 September 2017 at The Ropewalk Barton-noted

b.  Code of Conduct training- dates circulated

c.  ERSAB newsletter- noted

d.  Spraying of public footpath No8- agreed £25 (add to October payment to Holderness Landscapes)

e.  Grass cutting in front of St Andrews Church-agreed £120 (add to October payments to Holderness Landscapes)

f.   ERYC Rural strategy information-noted

g.  Ottringham PC invite to Harvest Festival- clerk to contact and thank, no one available to attend






7.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water – nothing to report

b.    B.P. – nothing to report

c.     Nippon Gohsei : Nothing to report


d.    S.C.C. Ltd : nothing to report

e.    Vivergo : Meeting for councillors 1st November 2017, Humber Tavern. Ongoing involvement in the community park,


f. Ineos : nothing to report


g. Environment Agency : nothing to report













8.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation : nothing to report


b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens : nothing to report

c. Police / Neighbourhood Watch : no update received
d. Lighting : nothing to report
e. Allotments :  thefts from sheds

f .School info : nothing to report
g. Sports field: nothing to report


h. Playground: Cllr Failey-ongoing

i. Road Safety / Highways :

j. Emergency :

k. Transport : Our bus champions updated regarding the pleasing  response to the survey, they have spoken to G Thomas, who informed them that there is no changes to the timetables envisaged


l) Village Hall: nothing to report


































K.       Finance :
a: £100 cheque rec’d form Garton’s Funeral Directors for Mrs Sainsbury -banked 14/8/2017

b :£50  rec’d from Everinghams for B Liversedge headstone

c : Clerk £600 salary, £50 funeral (a), £23.20 stationery

d: £628.96 spent 11/7/2017 from ERNLLCA grant for laptop, printer and software

e : Yorkshire Water paid 15/8/2017 £20.30

f : Pre planning enquiry re Community Park £60 paid 22/8/2017


Received £20 cash donation from the Amateur Radio Group towards the Community Park



All approved unanimously.



9.           Any Questions
a) Flags for the bus shelters still outstanding, and timetable case needed for the Tavern shelterb) Cllr Hulme queried why the generator and light at running through the night near his property (sea defences) 


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.50pm




a) clerk to contact Debbie McGurn

b) clerk to contact ERYC/PBS


10.     Next Meeting: 7pm, Thursday, 5 October 2017, upstairs observation deck of the Village Hall, disabled access available