PAULL PARISH COUNCIL  : Minutes of the meeting held Thursday 4 May 2017

1.    a:  Apologies for absence :  Cllrs Allen & Carlill
b: In attendance :
Cllrs Shaw, Annison, Woodmansey, Hulme, Beadle, Failey,  Lowde, ERYC Cllrs Steel & Thurston, Members of the public. 
2.         Declarations of Interest (if relevant) None


3.         Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6 April  2017

Proposed : Cllr Woodmansey ;  Seconded: Cllr Failey;  Vote: carries unanimously


4.       Matters Arising Therefrom :


a)      Town & Parish Council Liasion meeting-Weds, 10 May 2017, Hedon Town Hall 5.30pm for 6pm

b)      Speeding cars in the village-Cllr Beadle has approached some, all councillors will pass on any registration/driver details

c)       Van parked across footpath at Rosegarth Bungalows








a)       Cllr Shaw to attend-clerk to inform ERYC

b)      ERYC & local police are aware-police will contact the head at the primary school re speed gun project

c)       Clerk to contact local police team

5.    Continuing Matters :


·  Yorkshire Enterprise Park/Yorkshire Energy? Park:  planning to go into ERYC in April, but not to planning until September, another public meeting is to be held -nothing further to report


·  Car park, woods and football field-nothing to report–


·  Sea Defences: phase 2 imminent, Cllr Woodmansey shared detailed plans—will there be a break in electricity supplies? Cllr Steel will ask for clarification


·  Parish Plan: ongoing -Cllrs Shaw and Lowde- ongoing—noted that there is a grant available for a Neighbourhood Plan


·  Parish council owned photographs, power point and slides—Cllr Lowde


·  The England Coastal Path- information shared and noted



·  Trailer parked in Main Street—owner has been contacted—local policing team informed

·  Charity Status for Paull Parish Council—next meeting

·  Path to the Church impassable with prams and wheelchairs—Cllr Steel has reported and assured it will be sorted

·  Declaration and code of Conduct forms handed out to councillors




























6.    Correspondence


a.  ERYC invite for 7 May 2017- Beverley Minster—clerk to offer thanks as no one available


b.  Red Lighthouse damage-positive response from ABP that the engineers will repair

c.  Memorial plaque on the school wall-quote for repair shared-awaiting 2nd quote-discussion took place, and query re boxing in

d.  ERNLLCA-referenda principles re precept———clerk to respond


e.  Clerk Induction Course 24 May 2017—clerk unable to attend


f.   Good councillor course- various venues—clerk to book places


g.  Transparency Code applications—clerk to contact ERNLLCA


h.  NALC Star councils—any nominations-noted



c)Clerk to contact the War Memorials Association for advice and guidance,

ERYC and the school would need to be informed of any impending work-email sent to The National Memorial Arboretum




7.    Forums

a.    Yorkshire Water – Cllr Shaw advised he has received communication that the busy season is about to commence, and everything is in place for a smooth operation.

b.    B.P. – nothing to report

c.     Nippon Gohsei : Nothing to report


d.    S.C.C. Ltd : nothing to report

e.    Vivergo : nothing to report


f. Ineos : nothing to report


g. Environment Agency : Cllr Hulme awaiting updates













8.    Committees

a. Development & Conservation : nothing to report


b. Able UK & ABP/Siemens : nothing new to report

c.Police / Neighbourhood Watch :statistics from the police received -nil return for      this month,  and 6 monthly figures from ASB team received and noted,
d.Lighting : nothing to report
e.Allotments :  further rents collected, 2 allotments remain to let, could be split in half

f.School info : nothing to report
g. Sports field: could it be explored re being brought into use for sport again? A small part will be used as a compound for Phase 2 of the sea defences, but won’t affect the Car Boot Sale area


h.Playground:Cllr Failey-nothing to report- petition from Mr Hurst required response

i.Road Safety / Highways : ongoing concerns regarding speeding cars in the village-reported to police and ERYC

j.Emergency : ongoing- Cllr Shaw

k.Transport : Cllr Steel had updated information and cost figures regarding the bus service. Colin Walker at ERYC willing to help if there is a demand. Mr Franks and Mrs Marshall will explore canvassing the demands of the village. A discussion took place- would it be fruitful to invite Adam Fowler from the City of Hull Environment Forum to a council meeting?


l) Village Hall: nothing to report

































k)clerk to try to contact Bill Marwood at Burton Pidsea re CB3 bus, invite Adam Fowler to PPC meeting?


K.       Finance :
a: £570.81 annual insurance -agreed

b : £342.43 ERNLLCA annual membership-agreed

c: £4750 precept received-noted
d : £400 allotment rent deposited-noted- further £75 to deposit

e : Annual return to be submitted to PKF Littlejohn
All approved unanimously.





d)annual return for PKF -Cllr Lowde

9.           Any Questions
a) Cllr Failey reported potholes near to Ferryman Park, also the road breaking away from Saltend to the bridge, concerns were raised regarding the state of the road near the shipyard 

b) Cllr Hulme raised the question of putting signs up down High Paull Lane, to warn of possible blocking of the road with deliveries

for wedding later this year, and next year. Unanimously agreed, as was the use of the football pitch for parking.


c)Cllr Beadle requested that the main gate into the allotment needs to be closed in the winter, and asked that it be approved he erects a new hand gate-agreed. Also stated that he has been asked to inform that the new parish website is difficult to find, and Mrs Davies website is still in situ.


d)      Cllr Woodmansey has conveyed thanks to the owner of the shipyard, who suppressed the loud noise from the mast of the yacht

e)      Cllr Shaw mentioned a syrup tanker parking up


f)        Mr Franks raised the speeding car issues- difficult to get a response when calling 101-no response within 15 minutes waiting on several occasions-can the information be emailed in?? Do we need to invite the police commissioner to a council meeting? all advised to obtain registration numbers to pass to the local police team so that it is logged. Possible camera to be sighted at hotspot


g)       There was a complaint from a resident regarding the route the lorries are taking for the new pipeline. Despite assurances that Rosehill track would be the prime route, there are some coming through the village, and some coming in from Thorngumbald. (It was discussed that any lorries for the gas terminal compound  would travel through Thorngumbald ) Mrs Burns has been in communication with Jonathan Compton at Skanska, also there are concerns that the bund which was agreed (to stop vibration and dust) has not been built—she has been informed that this will happen when the construction work starts, the company are in the ‘enabling’ stage at present. Cllr Hulme has visited the site with Jonathan Compton.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.25pm





a)      Clerk to report to ERYC, and inform Preston PC re Saltend Road as it is in their parish




c)Cllr Woodmansey to ask B Woodmansey to look at and adjust,

and to incorporate  D Davies website into the new one







g)clerk to contact Thomas Hall at Grayling, copy in Cllr Hulme


10.     Next Meeting: 7pm, Thursday, 1 June 2017, Upper deck of the Village Hall